Meet the newest addition to the Martin family - Charlie. He is a 4 month old puggle, which is part pug and part beagle. He will stay much smaller then the other 2 dogs we have probably weighing around 25 lbs. As soon as I saw his wrinkly little face I knew I couldn't leave him behind at the Amish farm where he was staying. He is the sweetest little guy, loves attention, running around the yard in circles and leaping into the air. He is also a very good sleeper. Last night Lauren wanted Charlie to come and play with her in her toy room. When I went to check on them about 15 minutes later, Charlie was laying under Lauren's table and she was reading books to him. It was the cutest thing ever. Charlie and Lauren are going to be great buddies!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Friday, July 6, 2007
1st Day of School
Lauren has started full time at Walnut Street Day School. We got her a sleeping bag and puppy to take with her for nap time in her favorite color purple to help ease the transition from Annie's house. She must be having a great time because each day she comes home dirtier then ever and she doesn't cry when we leave her in the mornings. She did tell me she got in trouble for putting sand in a little girls hair and didn't make many friends the day she wiped out a sand castle. She does have 2 friends, Ellie and Caven from her previous sitters house that go to school with her that she plays with often. My little girl is growing up so fast!
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