Monday, March 26, 2007

Fun on the farm

Princess Lauren stayed with Grandpa & Grandma Kemper 5 nights while her parents went on a 5 day cruise to Grand Cayman and Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Friday morning we went to gymnastics and Grandpa went to the farm in Armstrong and wouldn't be home until Sunday. After gymnastics we needed to do some clothes shopping, so we headed to the mall. Since Grandma didn't have any summer clothes and the tempture was going to be in the 70's, we went on a shopping spree. Of course Lauren is easy to shop for since she is wearing size 2T and anything in that size fits. While we were shoppping her Mommy called and was headed for the mall, so we met her in Cafe Court. Lauren spotted her Mommy while she was riding the carousel and started waving.

On Saturday we worked in the yard pulling weeds, trimming bushes and then it was time to mow the yard. Lauren loves to ride on the big JD with Grandma, of course my arm gets tired from holding her. After that was done we headed to the Pet store to buy some gold fish to put in the water trough. Lauren loved the pet store, but was scared of the little bunny rabbit! Go figure. After we dumped the fish in the trough it was time for Lauren to play in the barn with her shovel, bucket and scooter. Last year Lauren was scared of the horses and standing in the barn by herself, but now she is comfortable with the surroundings.

On Sunday we went to early church services and due to it being spring break, Lauren was the only child in daycare. The rest of our day was spent at home with Laruen watching the new fish, feeding the horses their treats and playing on her scooter.

Monday morning Grandma had to take Princess Lauren to her Grandma McGlasson's house. I sure will miss her company and funny personallity. I have told her mother she needs to have her IQ tested since some of the things she says and remembers just don't happen with a 2 yr old!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Proud Mama

Tuesday nights = Little Gym night = Chaos Until last night...It was some of my proudest moments as a mother. My little Princess followed directions and did the warm ups by herself. This is a huge accomplishment that very few children in the class can do. Up to this point, I was needed to hold hands, keep Lauren on track and to direct the floor activities. But last night I sat by the wall and got to watch all the fun she had. She followed Miss Katie's commands and even waited her turn in line (OK...that took a little help from me). But, she didn't throw her normal fit. I was so proud of her last night we even stopped and got ourselves some ice cream on the way home.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Ducks take over

Lauren went with her grandparents to their lake house over the weekend and had a great time. Unfortunatley, the element in the hot water heater had burned up so we couldn't stay the night. But, Lauren's great-grandparents were camping at Riverview Camp Ground which is just past the Osage River on Hwy 54, so we all went over and visited with them. Lauren noticed while looking out the camper window that there were about 8 ducks standing outside close by and she wanted to see them. Grandma B had some stale biscuits that she said we could feed ducks but we should be careful because they will eat out of your hand! Well, guess what happened when we opened the bag and started throwing food? Yep, they swormed us and Lauren thought they were going to attack her and started crying. When she threw a piece of bread she didn't quite get it out of her hand when one of the ducks pecked it out. She said "grandma the duck bit my hand", which it was just a small peck. But to Lauren it was a bite. From that point on she looked at the ducks from inside the camper and was very content. Hopefully the next time she see's a duck it won't traumatize her.

Monday, March 19, 2007

In true Princess style

Lauren spent the 3 nights at Grandmas while Daddy and I were out of town. When we picked her up yesterday she couldn't hardly wait to show us her new shoes. She pulls a Dryers shoe bag out from behind the chair that was as big as she. I could only image the fun her and Grandma had shopping for shoes (Princess has a wide foot and not just any shoes fit her). She pulls out not 1, not 2 but 3 new pairs of shoes for summer. Not only are they all really cute - I love the pink Merrill sandals but she can also put every single one of them on by herself. What a big kid! Before I left she still needed my help putting on shoes but not any more and trust me she won't let you help either.

Last night when we were all in bed Lauren wanted Daddy to sing her a song about the deer. Daddy likes to sing songs about 4x4 trucks, turkey, deer anything but nursery rhythm's. So after he finished his little ditty, they talked a little more about deer and then Lauren piped up that she wanted to shoot a deer and eat it. She also informed us she wanted a pretty purple gun! And why not ... every 2 yr old little girl needs a purple gun! Get to lookin' Grandpa!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Will sing for supper

Grandma called last night to report she was having trouble getting Lauren finish supper. She said Lauren hadn't stopped singing long enough to finish her puddling and was wondering if I knew how long this was going to go on. Lauren has quite the list of songs she like to sing, so I told her it could go on for a while. Princess is normally my radio when we're driving in the car. She loves to sing songs off of her Barney DVDs, 10 Little Monkeys jumpin' ( she normally starts a 2, so that one is pretty quick), Ring Around the Rosie, Twinkle-Twinkle & Farmer in the Dell to name a few. I always tell her she's my baby Einstein but she quickly reminds me that she's Lauren Martin.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A Palace for the Princess

Monday evening Lauren and I met Daddy over at the land in Millersburg. It was the first time I'd seen the new lake full of water. It is really beautiful and will look nice in our backyard one of these days. If Princess wants a Palace she's gonna have to help too! Daddy was finishing helping Papa Martin move logs and let Lauren ride in the track hoe with him. Her job was to continuously honk the horn. She wore a grin from ear to ear!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

A little help please!

Saturday morning, what better time to do a little spring cleaning. Little finger and lip prints had accumulated on glass doors and tables over winter and I could hardly stand it anymore. I started by washing our front glass door. In no time the inside was smudged again while I was washing the outside. So, I washed the inside a second time and locked it as I went to do our back sliding door. Lauren can easily open that door and I didn't want her escaping while I was out back. I knew better then to start with the inside this time. As I was cleaning the outside door, Lauren was pitching a fit inside because I wouldn't let her out. I finished up and went to open the door and I couldn't. In my sweet little Princess' rage, she had managed to push the lock down. Panic set in...Lauren wasn't understanding how to unlock the door. All of our windows in back were locked, our wooden fence and gates are locked with pad locks. As I started to plan how I was going to scale our fence, mind you I am in my pj's and flip flops, I noticed our gate was just dummy locked. I'm free I thought, still hearing Lauren's screams from inside. I ran around front and opened our garage door. The door leading to the house is normally left unlocked during the day. But, when Chad left bright and early this morning he locked it behind him since Princess and I were still in bed. Panic had really set in now! I could still hear Lauren screaming for mommy to come inside. I was able to use the phone at a neighbors house and called Chad. As I stood at our front glass door still trying to coax Lauren into unlocking the door all I could think is what every car the drove by was thinking seeing me standing at our door. It seemed like an eternity but Chad finally made it home. Lauren was much relieved that mommy finally came inside and all was well. Lauren and I will be making a trip to Westlake's to day to have a extra key made for our garage.

This is my little Princess in her gymnastics costume. Lauren loves to go to The Little Gym every Tuesday and Friday for gymnastics. She does forward rolls, swings on the uneven bars and plays with all the other little kids. They sing songs, play with balls and at the end of class get stamps on their feet.